How to know if a person knows how to fight
Over the years, a certain image and reputation has been built up by the media on what a fighter looks like. Usually, they’re a big, scary man with a fearsome reputation. Whilst this may be true in some circles, it’s also fair to say that it’s a bit of a cliche and doesn’t always represent reality. So, how do you know if someone knows how to fight?
Sadly, the answer to this question is quite ambiguous and the phrase ‘expect the unexpected’ springs to mind. However, there are also some literal signs that can be looked for as well. For example, there are some subtle things to look out for that may indicate that someone knows how to fight. If you identify these then it may just save your life, but above all – it’s best to respect all and have a humble attitude when meeting with strangers and trying to avoid possible confrontations.
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Damaged knuckles
If you’ve ever seen a boxer’s knuckles then they can look pretty mangled up. Often this means the knuckles look worn, enlargened, or even scarred. This is something that takes place over years of punching which can damage and re-shape the knuckles. It’s not only the striking martial arts that cause damaged knuckles either.
If you’ve ever seen a grappler’s fingers (Judo or BJJ), then their fingers may often be thicker than your average. The reason for this is years of grip-breaking and pulling on the kimono. This is a sign that they can grapple and have years of experience and broken fingers to prove it. Hopefully, if you do spot damaged knuckles, it’s not at the last second as the fist approaches your face!
Quiet confidence
If you’ve ever trained MMA or any martial art for that matter, you will naturally be confident of your abilities to win a fight. At the same time, you should also respect your opponent and the random nature of fighting. As a result, most fighters are actually pretty quiet people who don’t get off on the tough guy stereotype.
In fact, if you’ve stuck around as a newcomer in a martial arts gym, the likelihood is that you’ll have had your ego kicked out of you. This means that you don’t have a desire to fight as you also know the harsh realities of losing all too well. Therefore, most fighters aren’t the loudest and don’t really have a point to prove. Of course, they may fight if necessary, but ultimately know that it’s not ideal whilst also being comfortable enough in their own skin to avoid un-needed confrontations.
Cauliflower ear
Perhaps the biggest giveaway sign that someone knows how to fight is with their ears. Cauliflower ear usually means someone has martial arts experience, or something similar. Sometimes, you can get cauliflower ear from physical sports such as rugby as well – which isn’t a martial art but it does breed athleticism and similar traits based on physical prowess.
Anyway, the chances are that if someone has cauliflower ear, they know how to fight. This could be striking arts or grappling arts – if you get punched in the ear then it can happen, and the same goes with your ear getting rubbed when attempting takedowns or wrestling. Interestingly though, some people can go years without getting cauliflower ear whilst training. Others can get it after a few months of martial arts. This proves that it’s fairly random and may be based on genetics. As a general assumption though, your average person takes a couple of years for any noticeable cauliflower signs to emerge.
Athletic looking
Some people are naturally bigger than others. However, athleticism can also be learned through martial arts. By athleticism, we don’t necessarily mean huge either, but at least fairly muscular without carrying too much fat. Usually, you can tell this by looking at someone’s body and the way their clothes fit them.
Even if a very athletic person doesn’t train a martial art, it would still make it difficult to fight them. This means they’d be better at strength and speed activities which are required for fighting. So, it’s best to steer clear of athletic, younger people in the same way you wouldn’t want to start a fight with someone that has cauliflower ear.
But most of all…never assume anyone can’t fight
Lastly, we’re now going to go against everything that we’ve just said. Whilst the above points are all relevant and valid, there is also the element of surprise that goes hand in hand with fighting. In short, these days there are plenty of ways to learn how to fight and you don’t have to be from the streets to be a good fighter. The meme below sums up this idea perfectly.

In short, this meme may be a bit hyperbole but you get the point. Ideally, you will never have to fight as it’s not productive for anyone involved. However, if you do – keep your wits about you and never underestimate anyone.
If you want to learn how to fight better at streetfights then check out this resourceful book.