Joe Rogan claims Jon Jones has the “Perfect physique for fighting”
Over the years, Joe Rogan has been very complimentary towards Jon Jones, and rightly so, because many people claim that Jones is the UFC GOAT when it comes to fighting. On his Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Rogan said “Jon Jones has the smallest calves of any man I’ve ever seen whose an elite athlete. Even at 255 pounds, he’s got very small calves which is really unusual.”
He continued, “He’s not the fastest guy. He’s fantastic at closing distance because he’s so tall. He’s literally got the perfect frame for fighting because he only has muscle where he needs it. He’s got shoulders, he’s got arms, he’s got thighs. He doesn’t need calves. He’s so long, it’s like he’s designed in a lab. If you wanted to design a perfect physique for fighting, it’s Jon Jones. He’s a master at distance.”
As seen in the picture below, Rogan is correct. Jon Jones does have incredibly small calf muscles compared to the rest of his body. However, is this truly the best physique for fighting? This question has been asked and is truly down to personal opinion.

For example, some argue that short and stocky builds are ideal – especially when it comes to wrestling and grappling. Ultimately, it depends on how your frame is used as opposed to the build itself. Regardless, Rogan certainly has a point. When it comes to landing punches – reach is a big deal and this is certainly the case when it comes to Jon Jones.