Joe Rogan shows off huge weight gain and physical transformation
Joe Rogan is a popular podcast host, UFC commentator, and Taekwondo and BJJ black belt. In short, when it comes to martial arts, there’s not much that he doesn’t know. Rogan doesn’t just talk about the lifestyle either, he genuinely lives it and as the saying goes, “your body is a temple.” For years, Rogan has preached about eating healthily and working out. As a result, it’s not surprising that his body is pretty jacked – especially for his age. As seen in the photo below, there’s physical evidence of this too.

As seen, Joe Rogan was in great physical shape during his mid-20s. At this point, Rogan was arguably in his physical prime and you can just imagine the power of his Taekwondo kicks during this era. It wouldn’t just be kick power either, as Rogan had a ripped six-pack, traps, and huge biceps.
The next photo shows Rogan in his early 50s. Remember, at this point, he’s literally more than double the age of the first picture. Apart from less hair and a few tattoos, it’s fair to say that Rogan is still in incredible shape for his age. Still, time will age everyone and their body – and this is the case for Joe Rogan. As seen, his six-pack is noticeably less toned, as is his chest and his general size has shrunk too. Having said this, he’s still in fantastic shape for his age and puts most men in their 40s and 30s in shame, let alone those in their 50s.
Joe Rogan’s weird gut
Back in X, Joe Rogan turned heads when he showed off his chest during an episode of his podcast. Without being mean, it’s fair to say that his guy looked unusual. This led fans to speculate on a few different theories surrounding his body. The first was that it was the result of years of training and having a good core, combined with losing muscles and adding body fat due to age. This is a potential theory, but there are a lot of people in similar scenarios whose body doesn’t look as weird. Surely, his elk meat diet didn’t cause this?

Undoubtedly, his body proportions look unusual and he has a large barrel chest. This led to some claiming that it was a ‘steroid or HGH gut’, which could be a possible combination of HGH (human growth hormone) and even TRT. Ultimately, no one knows what’s happened with Rogan’s body, other than himself and at this point, these theories aren’t factual.
Overall, it’s fair to say that Joe Rogan’s body has been through more than most. Throughout his teenage years, he competed in Taekwondo which takes its toll on your body. This was followed by bodybuilding and BJJ which are also known to cause aches and pains, which Rogan claims led to a bad neck.
Interestingly, Rogan admitted that he’d used stem cell therapy to counter his neck pain. So, with this said, Rogan’s body has lived an unusual life which most people aren’t willing to go through. As a result, it’s not too surprising that his body looks a bit unusual.