The best jump rope for boxers and MMA fighters
For years now, boxers have often confessed their love of using jump rope. This is because it has many health benefits that translate well to boxing which will be discussed below. Jump rope isn’t just useful for boxers either, and a wide array of martial artists and MMA fighters have also spoken about its benefits. In fact, jump rope can also be used by general fitness fanatics and isn’t exclusive to martial artists either.
What’s more, using a skipping rope is not particularly expensive either. Beginner ropes can be picked up for incredibly cheap, whilst even advanced designs won’t break the bank. In other words, if you’re serious about training then investing in a jump rope can work wonders for your performance and overall health.
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Things to consider when buying Jump Rope
Perhaps the main factor in your decision should be price. This will always be a balance when buying sports equipment as you want the best quality possible, without paying for it if you can avoid doing so. At the same time, you don’t want to be tricked into buying something cheap if it falls apart after a few uses. Here, we have made sure even the cheaper jump ropes are still high in quality, despite being priced lower.
Quality and durability
After price, the most important decision when buying jump rope should be based on quality. This means if you can afford it, then paying extra to ensure high quality is probably worth it. This is especially the case if you’re in it for the long run as you’ll want your jump rope to last and stay in good shape. Most good jump rope is filled with steel and coated to protect your body, meaning it’s good quality yet still safe.
These days, some skipping ropes are fitted with modern technology. Gone are the days when you have to use a regular old skipping rope. Instead, you can now find jump rope that includes calorie tracking and other functions.
Basically, if you want more precise tracking for your workouts then some ropes will offer this. The good news is that these are roughly the same value as other ropes too, even with extras included.
Some jump ropes can be clunky by nature and unpractical. If you live a lifestyle based on travel then this may be problematic, so a lightweight jump rope may be a better option. You should also try to make sure the rope can’t tangle either too as this can become problematic if the rope is kept in storage for a while.
In short, just try to make sure your rope fits your requirements before purchasing. If you’re after muscle growth then you can buy a heavier rope. However, if you’re after something small and compact then a smaller rope may be more desired.
Best Jump Rope for MMA & boxers
Handio Jump Rope
Aside from having the usual skipping rope features, the Handio jump rope goes the extra mile and offers extra features. Specifically, we’re talking about its use of technology which uses a built-in digital counter in one of the handles.
This counter shows your weight, workout time, total jumps, and calories burned. For those who are professional fighters, this is quite an important feature. The reason for this is that if you’re close to a fight then you may need to keep a close eye on calories burnt and how many reps you can get in. For instance, if you can get more jumps in per minute then it probably means you’ve improved your speed as well which is vital for boxing and MMA.
WOD Nation Speed Jump Rope
Although some of the jump ropes on this list look quite fancy and modern, the WOD Nation jump rope looks quite basic in comparison. However, that isn’t particularly a bad thing. One of the main benefits of this is that it’s borderline weightless which almost feels like you’re not holding anything at all.
This means the WOD Nation is built for speed which is perfect if you want to get quicker feet. As the saying goes, speed wins fights and if you can get lighter on your feet then this is only a good thing. Available in multiple colors, this uses surgical steel and measures 10 x 8 x 2 inches. In short, this will improve your speed in no time.
FirstJump Jump Rope (budget option)
As stated, this is very affordable and can be purchased for under $5. With this in mind, these are the perfect jump rope for a beginner as they’re not a big financial commitment. Having said this, the Firstjump rope isn’t exactly basic either and a lot of effort has been put into its design.
For instance, it uses flexible ball bearings, padded handles, and the rope can be customized and adjusted. In other words, it’s actually great value for money. You may think it’s going to be very stripped down at this price but it’s not the case. With a slick, modern design – this makes for a solid consideration.
Epitomie Sonic Boom M2 Jump Rope
The Epitomie Sonic Boom M2 jump rope uses silicone handles that are useful as they’re less slippy compared to regular jump rope. Also made with steel, it uses a self-locking mechanism that means the rope won’t get loose over time. This means that the Epitomie jump rope is built to last and is probably suited for more experienced boxers or MMA fighters.
The reason for this is that these won’t let you down and will last for years. So, they’re well worth the investment and can be used regularly. It also comes with a free 2.5 hour video that shows you the correct jump rope form to maximize your efficiency when working out.
Gagagym Weighted Jump Rope
Whilst some athletes prefer lightweight jump rope, some prefer heavier jump rope. The reason for this is whilst they still give you a cardio and speed workout – weighted rope will also work your muscles more. In other words, for those looking to get stronger, weighted jump rope is preferable. This mostly targets your shoulders and forearms.
The Gagagym jump rope weighs 3lbs and claims to be 10 times better at building muscles compared to regular jump rope. As you would expect, this is great for boxers and fighters. Overall, this rope makes a great, tough workout that will test your body’s muscles. For those looking for something different, this rope ticks the boxes.
Tefeimei Jump Rope
At 6.3 x 4.33 x 0.79 inches with adjustable length, this skipping rope is good for practically everyone and due to using ball-bearing technology, it means the rope won’t tangle either. Speaking of the adjustable length, this can be done by using a chord to shorten the rope that can be then cut off. Priced competitively, it can be used by veteran martial artists or newcomers.
In other words, if you’re after some no-nonense jump rope that does what it’s meant to then the Tefeimei is well worth consideration and won’t let you down. It may not be as fancy as certain brands but definitely serves its purpose.
Benefits of using Jump rope
Improve muscle strength
Using a skipping rope will help improve certain muscle groups and make them more conditioned and stronger. Obviously, if you’re working them out then this is to be expected. Specifically, these muscle groups include your legs – such as your thigh and calf muscles.
However, some people may not be aware that your stomach muscles and glutes will also gain strength. As a martial artist, it goes without saying that having good core strength is beneficial. The more powerful your legs, the more powerful the rest of your body will be.
Improve cardio and endurance
Perhaps the best features of using jump rope are the cardio gains. Some studies have also claimed that a 10 minute go on jump rope is the equivalent of two hours of walking. This means that you can seriously improve your gas tank in a short space of time. So, even if you’re busy throughout the day – a 10 minute session can improve your cardio massively.
In turn, this will improve your lung capacity and make your heart stronger. If you’re several rounds deep into a boxing or MMA fight then you’ll be glad you trained jump rope as it may just give you a boost in stamina.
Improve balance and co-ordination
When it comes to any combat sport, balance and coordination are very important. This goes for either offensive or defensive movements. You can’t expect to throw a good punch without having good balance. Similarly, you can’t expect to defend if your coordination is poor.
This is yet another benefit of using jump rope. It will make you more athletic and get you used to jumping off your toes. This improves balance and by avoiding the rope, your positional awareness and timing will also improve.
Improves speed
Speed is vital for fighting and is up there with strength and athleticism in terms of attributes. Jump rope is perfect for increasing your foot speed, as your feet will naturally adjust to the rope. The more rope you jump, the quicker your toes will naturally become.
This is why using jump rope should become a regular habit for fighters and athletes as it will make you quicker and sharper as a result.
Improve mental health and your mentality H3
Like all forms of exercise, using skipping rope will release endorphins and make you feel better about yourself. Obviously, if you’re already training boxing or MMA then this isn’t so relevant. However, training jump rope will also improve your mentality in other ways as well.
If you’re able to push through the mental barrier and continue skipping even when you feel like quitting, then this will bode well when you’re actually fighting. In short, by pushing yourself mentality, it should create habits of resilience that can be continued in the ring.
What Jump Rope length is appropriate for my height?
If you’re new to using jump rope then there are a few things to consider when it comes to your height. Obviously, there is an optimal rope length to use in relation to your height. The last thing you want to do is buy jump rope only for it to be too small or too big which would ruin its purpose. Below, we have featured a handy guide to show you the correct length for your height.