The Liver King claims to train Jiu Jitsu and that he’s a martial artist
In 2022, The Liver King has become a social media superstar and his following is huge. For those out of the loop, this man (real name Brian Johnson) made a name for himself by claiming to eat raw meats and little else. Most notably, he eats raw liver (hence the name) as well as animal hearts and testicles. Overall, it’s a pretty extreme lifestyle that some critics are very skeptical of, to say the least.
One interesting part of Liver King’s website is that he also claims to practice Jiu Jitsu. By this, we assume he means Brazilian Jiu Jitsu due to its massive popularity these days, as well as the way he’s spelled it. Still, there’s a possibility he could mean Japanese Ju Jitsu but this isn’t clarified. On his website, one section reads, “We practice Jiu jitsu every Thursday. However, the “Fight” is much more than its literal translation. It’s about overcoming adversity and struggle, it’s the way of the evolutionary hunter, and it’s the way forward to express your most dominant form.”

Whether this is true remains to be seen, but other than this small anecdote, there’s no evidence of him training Jiu Jitsu – and remember, this is a man who documents large parts of his life on social media.
However, it would make sense that Liver King did train BJJ due to it fitting in with his ‘ancestral tenets’ which are a big part of his image. According to Liver King, the eighth tenet is fighting which is supposedly in our DNA and helps us grow. With this said, it wouldn’t be too surprising if he did train as this would reflect on his personal philosophy and lifestyle.
Anyway, whether Liver King does or doesn’t train martial arts isn’t too relevant. Whether it’s part of an elaborate image or whether he genuinely lives the lifestyle is beside the point. Basically, he is probably big and strong enough to be able to beat most people in a street fight. This is where strength comes in and whether he’s natural or not, the fact is that he’s incredibly strong. Hopefully though, we can see him training one day as this would be pretty cool.