What martial arts does Nick Fury know?
Nick Fury is the man behind The Avengers and is one of the few successful mortals to fight alongside superheroes. With this in mind, it’s fair to assume that he knows his stuff when it comes to martial arts. In the case of Nick Fury, this is the case and over the years some of his fighting techniques have been well documented.
Throughout his earlier years, Nick Fury rose through the ranks of the US military and eventually went on to create the S.H.I.E.L.D organization which was used to fight evil in the world. This means that whilst Fury isn’t exactly a superhero, he’s still a very important person and over the years has developed his fighting skills. Remember, this is a man with military training and access to some of the greatest Marvel superheroes in the world, so it’s not too surprising that Nick Fury is capable of defending himself.
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Nick Fury knows Taekwondo
During the 50s and 60s, Nick Fury was said to have trained Taekwondo regularly and became a black belt in the martial art. This can also be documented during combat, where Nick Fury packs power in his kicks. As seen in the comic strip below, Fury is seen doing a Taekwondo side kick into his opponent which sends them flying.

This makes sense too, as Taekwondo was created during the 1940s in Korea. Fast forward to the 50s and 60s, Nick Fury was serving as a colonel for the US military in the cold war. During this period, both the USA and South Korea were good allies, so it’s believable that Fury was introduced to the Korean martial art at this point. It’s plausible that during his peak Nick Fury was one of the best TKD practitioners on earth.
Nick Fury knows Boxing
One of Nick Fury’s finest recruits is Captain America, who is known for his love of boxing. Again, this is probably a throwback to the WW2 era that Steve Rogers trained in. As a result, it’s no surprise that Fury would have picked up boxing whilst hanging around Captain America and it’s assumed the two trained together.
A large benefit of learning boxing for Fury would be striking with your hands. Basically, some claim that Taekwondo’s main weakness is its lack of punches, and say that it’s too focused on kicks. This means that combining boxing with Taekwondo would really make Fury’s striking and stand-up martial arts really effective and it’s a nice combination to have.
Nick Fury knows Jiu Jitsu
One thing that all martial artists need is grappling to go alongside their striking skills. Too often in fights, you’ll see skilled strikers get undone with grappling work. According to some, Nick Fury is a black belt in Jiu Jitsu so he can also grapple and submit his opponents whilst on the floor.
This comes in handy if he’s taken down by an opponent or needs to rely on something different if his Taekwondo fails him. By combining his boxing, Taekwondo, and Jiu Jitsu skills together, it’s fair to say that Nick Fury is a skilled fight and this is where his fearsome hand-to-hand combat reputation comes from.
Nick Fury knows Ninjutsu
Arguably, Nick Fury’s biggest attribute is his espionage skills which is why he’s the head of such a prestigious group as S.H.I.E.L.D. Here, he commands some of the biggest superheroes on earth and is in charge of making some pretty important decisions. In short, he has to be a master of strategy and tactics, as his job depends on it. This line of thought comes from Ninjutsu which is based around outwitting the opponent and implementing strategy in war.
Although Fury’s Ninjutsu skills wouldn’t translate to physical combat, a big part of Ninjutsu is based on your thoughts and the mentality of the warrior. With this in mind, Nick Fury is arguably the ultimate, modern day Ninjutsu practitioner due to being a master at outwitting the enemy in warfare. These days, many people think Ninjutsu is dead, but really it’s very much alive and Nick Fury is a key example of this.
Nick Fury knows Tactical Shooting
Due to his military training, Nick Fury is also an expert at using firearms in combat and when fighting, this is usually his main go-to. Often, Nick Fury can be seen yielding guns that range from pistols to huge machine guns. As he is a mortal – it’s a sensible decision for him to stay armed at all times to give himself the best chance of success whilst in combat.
Obviously, perfecting your aim is a skill that anyone can develop. This means there’s a difference between being armed with a gun and shooting without control, compared to being armed and knowing exactly what you’re doing. In the case of Nick Fury, he’s definitely the latter and understands how to use guns perfectly. His aim may not be quite as good as the Green Arrow’s or Deadshot, but he’s still very skilled nonetheless.
Nick Fury is a skilled martial artist who relies on his mindset, guns and can also fight with his fists to survive. With this said, it’s fair to say that his skill set is pretty rounded. What’s also worth mentioning is that unlike regular superheroes, he has to look after S.H.I.E.L.D so much of his time can’t be spent on training. Therefore, he’s pretty good for the amount of training he’s been able to do.
Overall, it’s fair to say that Nick Fury can handle himself and his biggest skills are his tactical mind and use of weapons. Nonetheless, he is only human so he does have weaknesses as well.