Mirko Cro Cop shows off his sons physique and similar appearance
When it comes to MMA and kickboxing, the name Mirko Cro Cop needs no introduction. A legend on the PRIDE circuit with an MMA record of 38-11, Crop Cop earned his name by using his legs as weapons, or as he liked to put it “Right leg hospital, left leg cemetery”
However, his glory days have finished and Cro Cop is now training with the next generation of Croatian talent, more precisely his son. Real name Mirko Filipovic, his son Ivan looks just as jacked and shredded as his father and this has been years in the making. Following Ivan’s social media, he’s also got a mean kick which makes sense considering his lineage.

When Ivan was just 13 years old, there was footage of him wrestling with his father. He is now 19 years old and Mirko posted the picture above which shows his sons similar appearance and huge muscles. Although Ivan has yet to have an MMA fight, you can guarantee that when he does it will be fireworks.