Rare pictures of a young Joe Rogan with hair
These days part of Joe Rogans look is his baldness. In fact, you could even say that it’s a big part of his identity and public persona. Combined with his cauliflower ears and jacked look, he could easily be mistaken for a thug. However, this wasn’t always the case and for many years of his adult life, Rogan had a full head of hair.
In fact, during his younger years – Joe Rogan could be mistaken for a model. During his thirties, Rogan started losing his hair and eventually had a hair transplant. However, like many hair transplants, this eventually failed and his hair fell out again. Although this was unfortunate, Rogan has openly talked about his hair transplant and how it left him with a scar on the back of his head which is where the hair was taken from.
Since then, Rogan accepted his fate and has rocked the bald look for a while. Here are some rarer pictures of Joe Rogan with hair, which some of the older generation will probably remember too well.

Joe Rogan with hair whilst serving as the host on the successful TV series, The Fear Factor. Before the UFC, this was Rogan’s biggest role on mainstream TV.

On the left, we can see a much younger Joe Rogan with a full head of hair. If you look closely enough, he’s even sporting an earring! On the right, we can see Joe Rogan in the cage with his hair transplant scar which is highly visible.

A young Joe Rogan as the host for the first-ever UFC. Rogan was invited to host due to his knowledge of martial arts and his media personality. At this point, he was a known Taekwondo black belt.

Joe Rogan a few years later on. At this point, we can see his hairline is visibly starting to decline.

Joe Rogan with hair. In classic Rogan style, he’s wearing a tight-fitted, long-sleeved shirt.

Joe Rogan during his beard phase. As you can see, Rogan has Irish and Italian heritage which explains his dark looks.

A younger Joe Rogan with a very Rogan-esque t-shirt. A (probably) stoned ape.

Joe Rogan whilst staring on the Radio City TV show. This was his first big break on the TV screen and he appeared in the sitcom for years. As seen, he had a very impressive physique at this point which was down to his martial arts lifestyle.