Rare pictures of Ip Man with his family & Bruce Lee
Undoubtedly, Ip Man’s influence on WIng Chun was colossal. He was responsible for its growth in Hong Kong and trained notable students here including the likes of Bruce Lee and others. Although a lot is documented about his life as a martial artist, less is typically known about his personal life. It’s important to remember that Ip Man was around during a completely different era.
He lived his life in Hong Kong which wasn’t a particularly wealthy nation at the time. Also, this was a time when the internet wasn’t around and even mainstream news was far less invasive compared to today. In other words, it’s not too surprising that we don’t know a whole lot about Ip Man’s personal goings on.
Of course, there will always be stories and fabrications but thankfully we do have some rare photos of Ip Man which show another part of his life. So, if you’re a Wing Chun history buff then continue reading to find out more about the man that changed Wing Chun forever and left his stamp on martial arts.

Ip Man closely watching a student perform on a wooden Wing Chun dummy in Macau.

Pictured in the middle with his two sons, Ip Chun and Ip Ching.

Pictured above with Leung Ting who was a student of his. Ting grew to be a key figure in spreading the global growth of WIng Chun as he went on to found the International Wing Tsun Association.

An older-looking Ip Man with his prize student, Bruce Lee. At this point, Bruce was a movie star.

Ip Man practicing form with a student.

At his house reading a newspaper. Notice Ip Man’s distinct shoes which he used to wear everywhere.

Ip Man practices on a Wing Chun dummy. As seen, he was very skinny but well-conditioned and strong.

Ip Man with his grandson.

Above, Ip Man photographed with a younger-looking Bruce Lee.

Even though Ip Man was a dedicated martial artist, we can see him out drinking with students and friends.

Ip Man drinking tea out of china cups.
Want to learn more about Ip Man? Check out his biography, Portrait Of A Kung Fu Master.