Wing Chun

Did you know that Christian Bale trained Wing Chun for Batman Begins?

Back in 2015, Christian Bale starred in Batman Begins. This was the first in the trilogy that would lead to him starring in the legendary Dark Knight movies that are considered the best in Batman history.

A key part of this movie was highlighting the origins of Bruce Wayne, and how he began his journey as a martial artist. To show this, some of the earlier scenes had Bale training in Bhutan. After his intense training, Batman returns to Gotham and uses his martial arts skills throughout the film. Does this fighting style seem recognizable? That’s because it’s Wing Chun. Batman has often used Wing Chun in earlier movies and relies on blocking strikes with his arms.

Back to reality, Christian Bale trained for his role in Batman with Eric Oram. Oram has previously trained Robert Downey Jr and other celebrities to learn Wing Chun. Judging the success of the Batman movies, it looks likes Bale’s training has paid off.