
Everything you need to know about the controversial Lingerie Fighting Championship

You may have heard of UFC, but have you heard of the Lingerie Fighting Championship? This is a company that was apparently set up in 2006 and has been going ever since. To date, it has had a total of 35 events and it’s kind of a cross between MMA and WWE. This can be seen by the roster and their names, often having cartoon-like nicknames that could be dreamed up by Vince McMahon.

Anyway, you may have figured that there is a huge twist with this promotion. According to the rules of the LFC, fighters must dress in “sultry, sexy lingerie that does not malfunction.” It seems that since its creation, the Lingerie Fighting Championship has stayed alive much to the delight of its male audience. At the same time, the title alone sounds like a feminist’s worst nightmare.

So, what is this bizarre company all about? Read on for more information and take a look into the weird world of the Lingerie Fighting Championship.

What is the Lingerie Fighting Championship?

As mentioned, the Lingerie Fighting Championship is a version of MMA which involves women fighting in lingerie. It sounds like something that belongs in the 90s, but is still going strong. However, it isn’t completely like MMA and does have some nuances. In short, the rules are fairly unique and there’s one big issue…it may not exactly be real. Remember when you were a kid and you realized professional wrestling was fake? Apparently, the Lingerie Fighting Championship claims to be legitimate. Still, if you watch a few bouts then you will come away skeptical of this claim, but more on that later.

What is factual is that this company was established in 2006 and seems to have a niche audience. One thing worth noting about the women is that they’re not completely useless at fighting either, and all have some kind of legit background in martial arts. In fact, a lot of this promotion seems to center around grappling on the ground, BJJ style. The grappling element may have been the reason why the Lingerie Fight Championship offered Ronda Rousey a contract back in 2017. Sadly, she declined.

The grappling may be due to the male audience wanting to see two women wrestle in lingerie, but whatever the true reason, the result is that people love to watch the Lingerie Fighting Championship. There is the odd fighter who has a background in striking martial arts such as Taekwondo, but for the most part BJJ is the main focus of the promotion. At the same time, don’t expect these women to be experts in grappling. Some of the submissions are questionable and the technique is sloppy at times, but still, the audience probably isn’t too bothered…

Are the Lingerie Fighting Championship rules different to MMA rules?

Having a brief look at the Lingerie Fighting Championships website, you can see the rules for yourself. As stated, lingerie is compulsory and there are 3 rounds that last 3 minutes in length. Fights can be ended by knockout or submission, or go to the judges decision. There is one main rule which is different compared to regular MMA though. You cannot strike the opponent in the face whilst standing. According to the rules, this is to preserve the beauty of the fighter’s face. However, there is one main inconsistency with this which is based on ground and pound.

In other words, it’s fully legal to strike the face of the opponent whilst on the floor. If you’ve ever watched MMA then you’ll realize that this is where the bulk of the facial damage comes from. Of course, strikes whilst standing still cause injuries and disfigurement, but it’s on the floor where people really get hurt. Other than this bizarre rule, most of the other rules can be found in standard MMA promotions. This means stuff like no headbutting, eye gouges, or neck slams. Fights can also go to a decision or even be scored as a draw in some cases.

Where to watch the Lingerie Fighting Championship

You can find highlights of the Lingerie Fighting Championship on their Youtube channel. Unsurprisingly, this has quite a lot of views and some of the comments are hilarious. If you’re old school, you can instead watch their DVDs which are just under $20 apiece. However, if you’re looking for a Lingerie Fighting Championship torrent then good luck. This promotion seems too small and underground to get any big coverage worthy of torrenting. It’s not like the UFC where there are streams aplenty and this is probably difficult to find. If you do want to watch it’s also meant to be on Roku if you have a membership.

Doing some research, the Lingerie Fighting Championship has its biggest audiences in USA, Italy, Vietnam, Poland, Germany, and Turkey. It’s not too surprising to see the USA at the top of this list, considering it’s a US company. Speaking of which, if you keep an eye out on the LFC, then you can actually watch their live shows that are around the USA. There are only a few per year, but there seems to be a fair amount of live viewers in their crowds at their live events. Like many MMA and professional wrestling shows, their live shows move around the country.

Investing in Lingerie Fighting Championship in the stock market

Interestingly, the Lingerie Fighting Championship has been on the US stock market since 2009. According to their website, its market value in June was $6,380,000. However, if you look on Yahoo, things don’t look fantastic as far as investing is concerned. The reason for this is that at its peak in 2009 its value was listed as over $1400 per share (according to Yahoo) which is now at 6 cents per share. What’s worse is that it’s been at similar levels for the past few years.

Of course, you’re still more than welcome to invest and if you think it will make a turnaround, then why not? In all seriousness though, there’s nothing to say that it’s not a profitable business. Obviously, something that has been around consistently since 2006 must have some kind of stable foundations. As a result, it may be premature to laugh on the LFC based on its stock market performance.

Is the Lingerie Fighting Championship real?

Now for the big question. According to the CEO, Shaun Donnelly – Lingerie Fighting Championship is real. He said this back in a 2017 interview but as said earlier, the WWE was thought to be real for many years. Again, the use of strikes seems to be questionable too. For instance, a quick watch shows that it’s mostly grappling, with takedowns and submissions. Obviously, this doesn’t quite add up – considering strikes are a big part of MMA. You could make the argument that this is very convenient as it saves women from getting seriously hurt when performing.

One example of the striking is in some of the videos, where there is a weird variant of ground and pound. This doesn’t last long and the punches mostly seem to be blocked, or are sloppily thrown. Again, this hints that it may not be real. But honestly, who knows? It could just be that this is written into the women’s contracts beforehand that they can only throw a minimal amount of punches which should be weak.

For the most part though, it has a very 90s WWE feel about it and is filled with drama. In fact, if you were to bet on it, the majority of fans are probably also WWE fans, rather than MMA fans. With this said, you can make your own mind up as to whether the Lingerie Fighting Championship is real or not. At the same time, it’s certainly entertaining and is probably easier to view than certain, boring MMA promotions!

If you’re a fan of the Lingerie Fighting Championships, then check out one of their videos on Amazon.